
Gucci重新开放创意中心、韩国奢侈品市场逐渐回暖、依视路陆逊梯卡设立1亿欧元员工基金等5条双语资讯 | iziRetail

逸芮 iziRetail热点 2021-01-12



Gucci’s ArtLab to reopen on April 20 ahead of end of lockdown




尽管根据意大利政府颁布的禁令,将于5月3日起逐步恢复经济计划,但这次Gucci Artlab的复工是得到了政府的批准,并与工会就保护员工健康及生产安全措施等达成协议。

品牌总裁兼CEO  Marco Bizzarri表示,品牌一直优先考虑公司员工的健康、安全问题,经过仔细的考虑,并确保在最高水平的安全和防疫措施的情况下重新恢复生产工作。此次恢复也将为更广泛的重新开放工厂、恢复意大利供应链奠定基础。


  • 及时全面地消毒,并为员工准备防护用品,有口罩、手套、护目镜等;

  • 制定轮班制度,避免人员聚集;

  • 工作及用餐时保持必要的距离,餐厅也会每天进行消毒;

  • 鼓励员工自驾上下班,并为没有自己交通工具的员工提供车辆等。






Gucci在疫情期间也利用其自有供应链,为意大利托斯卡纳地区的医护人员捐赠了110万个口罩和5.5万件防护服。除了品牌CEO个人捐赠的10万欧元外,品牌也捐赠了200万欧元用于支持防疫工作,并组织公司19,000名员工及全球社群发起名为“We Are All in ThisTogether”的筹款活动。


Gucci’s agreement with trade unions revealed on Saturdayis a first sign of a restart of fashion’s production pipeline that does notinvolve protective masks or medical overalls. On April 20, the Florence-basedcompany will reopen its leather goods and shoes prototype industrial complexcalled ArtLab.


“Since the beginning of this emergency, before it wasofficially defined as a pandemic, we have put people’s safety and well-being atthe center of all the decisions we have taken,” said president and chiefexecutive officer Marco Bizzarri.


“Our health — the health of us all in the Gucci community— was, is, and will remain Gucci’s absolute priority. After very carefulconsideration, we are now taking the decision to reopen our ArtLab prototypefacility, in agreement with trade union representatives, by guaranteeing thehighest level of safety and precautions defined with the help of leadingscientists. This will allow us to lay the foundations for a wider reopening ofour production capabilities and of the Made in Italy supply chain, whenpossible.”


The prototyping activities will involve a limited numberof the employees at the ArtLab, around 10 percent of the total 1,000.


Gucci detailed the additional preventative measures beingtaken to reinforce the government regulations for fighting the spread of theCOVID-19 virus, which include, before work resumes:


Complete sanitization of all spaces, followed byspecific surface swab tests to ensure the good results.

Remote preventive training and informative sessions,through mail and company social channels, on the measures to take whenreturning to the workplace.


Commuting to the workplace. All employees are encouragedto commute to the workplace using their own vehicles, also avoiding carpooling.For this very first phase, employees who do not own their own means oftransportations will have an individual company car at their disposal.


Shifts. A staggered schedule of shifts created for theprototype department will ensure that large groups do not gather during workinghours nor upon the employees’ arrival.


During work, Gucci will take employees’ upon arrival andalso will enforce the following:


Information and training for staff on hygiene rules, onthe correct use of common areas and on everything required to operate inmaximum safety within the company premises.


Anticontagion kits. Upon arrival, each employee willreceive an anticontagion kit containing three face masks, two pairs of glovesand one pair of safety goggles.


Sanitizing kits. Each employee will be equipped withsanitize kits to maintain the cleanliness of workstations and machinery, whichwill still be repeated on a daily basis.


Layout. Workstations used by the staff who are returningto work on prototypes are arranged so that workers maintain the distancesrequired by the regulations in force.


Cafeteria, changing rooms and break areas will ensurethe necessary social distancing is maintained at all times and will besanitized daily.


Gucci inaugurated ArtLab, its first leather goods and shoeindustrial complex, in April 2018. Based in Scandicci, outside Florence, itcovers almost 400,000 square feet. Bizzarri at the time said the complex was“the biggest industrial investment in the history of Gucci.”


ArtLab integrates all the different phases of thepipeline, ranging from the making of prototypes for all leather goods and men’sand women’s shoes; research and development, or the testing of the durabilityof materials, for example.


Gucci has worked with its supply chain to donate 1.1million surgical masks and 55,000 medical gowns to health-care professionals inthe Tuscany area in Italy.


In addition to Bizzarri’s own personal donation of 100,000euros, Gucci has donated 2 million euros to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and hasreached out to its global community with crowdfunding campaigns with the claim“We Are All in This Together,” also launched internally to the company’s morethan 19,000 employees globally.

South Korea’s luxury market recovers steadily

















South Korea’s response to the Covid-19 outbreak isregarded as a model for success. The country has never enforced a completelockdown, instead encouraging people to voluntarily stay home, work remotelyand avoid crowded places.


Bars, clubs, restaurants, gyms, department stores andmalls have remained open, under the condition that they ensure a safe distancebetween customers and enforce wearing masks.


South Korea has avoided major disruption to production andmanufacturing and some segments of luxury retail in the country are seeingsales rebound. But external factors like a decline in inbound tourism, a sharpreduction in international demand and trade disruptions also wreaked havoc onduty-free sales and exports, which declined 18.6 per cent between 1 and 10April, compared to last year.


At the same time, self-quarantine measures and a decliningconsumer sentiment impacted small businesses. According to a McKinsey surveyconducted between 3 and 6 April, South Korean consumers are increasinglycautious about spending, with 89 per cent of respondents expecting the impactof Covid-19 on their finances to last more than two months. The country isexpected to narrowly avoid recession.


In February, the country’s most important luxury departmentstores, including Lotte, Galleria, Shinsegae (Samsung Group owned) and Hyundai,registered an increase in luxury sales between 2.4 and 17 per cent even asoverall sales fell.


In March, when social distancing measures becamewidespread, luxury sales for department stores dipped in the double digits, butsales rebounded in the first week of April. Overseas luxury brand sales were up5.4 per cent and overseas watch and jewellery brand sales were up 27.4 per centat Lotte.


South Korea’s millennials have emerged as a leading classof luxury consumers, with luxury goods purchases increasing by seven timesbetween 2017 and 2019. As other regions continue to struggle under the currentCovid-19 emergency, the country could emerge as a fast-rebounding market forluxury sales and one brands should keep their eyes on to understand futureconsumer trends and behaviour in the Asia-Pacific region.


Valued at $12.7 billion by Euromonitor International in2019, the South Korean personal luxury market remains smaller compared toleaders like China and the US, but its influence on other Asia-Pacific marketsis strong.


According to the Knight Frank Wealth Report 2020, SouthKorea currently has 5,847 individuals who are worth more than $30 million. Thecountry usually scores among the top 20 countries for ultra-high net worthindividuals.


McKinsey’s Kim sees these multi-millionaires playing apart in driving spending on luxury under Covid-19, as their financialcapabilities haven’t been drastically affected and, unlike in other countries,their ability to shop hasn’t been hindered by forced retail closures. However,there is a bigger driver in millennial consumers who are redirecting holidayand travelling spending and refunds into luxury purchases.


Even as department stores and retailers have been allowedto remain open, online sales are on the rise and companies are renewing focuson digital strategy. Brands looking to recoup lost sales will have to invest inonline practices.


Beyond from expanding their assortment online, major departmentstores are hosting live streaming sessions on multiple online platforms.

EssilorLuxottica launches 100 million euro employee fund











Eyewear and optical giant EssilorLuxottica SA announcedMonday that its Board of Directors has decided not to submit any dividenddistribution to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of June 25 due to the COVID-19outbreak.


If the recovery is solid enough, the Board may propose aspecial dividend payment before the end of 2020.


The company announced further measures to respond to theCOVID-19 pandemic, aimed at reducing operating and cash expenses, including thereduction or deferral of parts of its managers’ compensations. The Board votedto apply the latter measure to its own members by reducing their attendancefees by 50%.


The company said it will further assess the state of thebusiness in the second half of the year and the efficacy of all the measuresundertaken to face the outbreak.


Further, the Board approved the launch of a 100 millioneuros COVID-19 fund to protect its human capital. This fund will supportemployees and their families in need..


EssilorLuxottica SA is a French-Italian verticallyintegrated multinational corporation based in Paris and founded on 1 October2018 from the incorporation of the Italian Luxottica by the French Essilor.

Taiwan’s Eslite relocates its 24-hour outlet


来源:Retail in Asia












Eslite Spectrum Corp., which runs the popular Eslitebookstore chain in Taiwan, said on 18th April, 2020 that it is likely to choosebetween its Xinyi and Nanxi outlet to succeed its Dunnan store as the chain’s24-hour outlet.


In an online campaign launched on 10th April, Esliteinvited its fans to predict which of its stores in Taipei will be open 24 hoursa day after the Dunnan store is shut down at the end of May.


Among the five possible candidates in the campaign, theXinyi store, located on Songgao Road, has garnered the most support from thefans, ahead of the Nanxi store, which is located on Nanjing West Road.


Eslite, which expects to make a decision on 23rd April,has said that while the Nanxi store currently ranks second in the predictioncampaign, it might be a more suitable location to become a 24-hour store whenall conditions are factored in.


The Dunnan store, which will close on 31st May due to theexpiration of its lease, started to remain open 24 hours a day in 1999 afteropening in 1989, making it one of the only bookstores in the world to run for24 hours.


The building in which the bookstore is located will berebuilt under an urban renewal project launched by the Cathay Financial group.


With three levels below ground and two above in the12-story Dunnan Financial Building on Dunhua South Road, the store has been abig draw for many foreign visitors and emerged as a tourism attraction inTaiwan at night.


Meanwhile, the deadline for the sale of 100,000 olderbooks from the store’s stock that began on 26th March has been extended to 30thApril from 15th April.


In other moves, Eslite will close its Taitung store at theend of April after closing its Anping outlet in Tainan in March. Once theDunnan store closes, the company will have 42 stores in Taiwan.


Overseas, Eslite has stores in Taikoo, Causeway Bay andTsim Sha Tsui in Hong Kong, Suzhou and Shenzhen in China, and another in Tokyo,which opened in September 2019.

Lululemon apologises for controversial T-shirt design


来源:Retail in Asia


根据微博上的图片显示,这件T恤在正面用红色勾画了一双有着蝙蝠翅膀的筷子图案;背面也是红色的带有蝙蝠翅膀的中式快餐盒子图案,上面还印有“NO THANK YOU”的字样。一些微博用户也因该设计涉嫌“辱华”,强烈呼吁抵制该品牌。


品牌艺术指导Trevor Fleming也通过其Instagram分享、推广这件T恤。据悉,这件充满争议的T恤是由Jess Sluder设计,以60美元的价格在其个人网站上出售。






Trevor Fleming为分享该设计进行道歉,表示并未参与T恤的创作。T恤设计者Sluder也对此表示抱歉,并表示该T恤与Lululemon、TrevorFleming无关。


Lululemon Athletica, a Canadian apparel brand known forits expensive yoga wear, apologised after an employee posted acoronavirus-related T-shirt design online that sparked a backlash on Chinesesocial media for “insulting” the country.


The company, which is quickly gaining popularity in theChinese market, issued an apology and statement distancing itself from thedesign after images began circulating of a long sleeve T-shirt named “Bat FriedRice”.


Pictures posted to China’s Twitter-like social media platformWeibo showed a design featuring a small image of chopsticks with bat wings inred on the front and a winged Chinese takeaway box with the words “No ThankYou” on the back. There was no mention of China or the coronavirus pandemic onthe T-shirt.


The social media storm appears to have erupted after alink to the design was shared on Instagram by Trevor Fleming, the art directorat the company.


The T-shirt was originally listed for sale on the websiteof artist Jess Sluder, who has no connection with Lululemon, for US$60.


Some Weibo users called for a boycott of the brand, whoseyoga pants sell for more than US$100, because it was “insulting China” with thedesign, despite the Canadian company having no official affiliation.


Lululemon issued an apology on Instagram to hose downcomplaints that it was fanning xenophobia.


“The T-shirt is not a Lululemon product. We apologisethat an employee was affiliated with promoting an offensive T-shirt and we takethis very seriously. The image and the post were inappropriate and inexcusable.We acted immediately, and the person involved is no longer an employee ofLululemon,” the company said.


The company’s Shanghai office also issued a statement onpopular messaging app WeChat in which it said the designer of “thediscriminatory apparel” did not work for the company and it had no involvementin the garment’s production.


Fleming also apologised for sharing the design, saying: “Ideeply apologise for putting the URL in my bio. I did not design the T-shirt,nor did I participate in any part of its creation.”


Sluder, the artist, said he was sorry for beinginsensitive and explained the design was intended “to create light during thesedark times”. He added that the design had nothing to do with Fleming orLululemon, according to NextShark, a website covering Asian-American News.


